Billets are still available for H2H Self Defense, but they're going fast. Get your orders in as soon as you can while there's still room. Here's the Request for Training form to be used for FONC:
Request for Training Form
We will be posting pictures and videos on the Internet daily so parents can follow the training. It is imperative that we receive a signed Media Release Form for ALL cadets. Here's the form:
Media Release Form
Finally, here's the Sea Bag list for the upcoming training. Please note: There's NO candy on this list:
Sea Bag list
Send these forms with a bank check / money order for $250 (payable to H2H Fitness) to my attention at:
Jeff Carroll
3116 Glen Summit Drive
Charlotte, NC 28270
Please note: This is NOT the location of the training - it is my personal residence. The training will be held at 2246-C Stevens Mill Road, Matthews, NC 28104.
Feel free to call me with any questions you may have. My cell number is 704-905-2276.
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